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Development learning service weltwärts


The weltwärts program was initiated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and in 2008 the first weltwärts volunteers were sent to countries of the Global South. It is a developmental volunteer service whose aim is to give young Germans the opportunity to spend a year working on a development cooperation project abroad. Our project locations involve diverse areas. You will be working with children and adolescents, human and women's rights, the media, arts and culture, the environment, rural development and health.


We accompany you with preparation, intermediate and follow-up seminars. Our competent team of country representatives and volunteers will help you to choose your project location. The BMZ assumes the greater part of the costs for the stay abroad, we take over the planning and organization (VISA, flights, accommodation, insurance, pocket money). The rest can be covered by a personal circle of supporters. The time of the assignment is recognized as a waiting semester for German universities. During the operation, the child benefits are not suspended. You can read the mission statement weltwärts-Dienst with VISIONEERS 


In August 2018, we will send the next seven volunteers. The preparatory seminars will take place from the 7th to 9th of July and on the 12th to 14th of August 2018 in Berlin. On August 15, the volunteers will fly to Costa Rica for 12 months


General requirements

  • Age between 18 and 28 years (or 30 years if disabled or impaired)

  • Able to speak good Spanish (B1) or  take an intensive language course in Costa Rica before the start of the assignment

  • High school degree 

  • German citizenship or a permanent right of residence

  • Openess to other religions, nationalities and cultures

  • Participation in preparatory, follow-up and intermediate seminars (manditory)

  • High sense of responsibility

  • Willingness to tackle 11 to 12 months in a developing country and help very poor people

  • Willingness to be flexible and adaptable

  • Willingness to use his knowledge for a good cause

  • Willingness to not smoke for a year or to drink alcohol (since many are addicted to alcohol and all volunteers have to be a good role model, this is particularly important!)

© 2019 by VISIONEERS.

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