Ponies, picnic and a lot of fun
Last week, I had the great priviledge to take kids, who are currently living in the refugee camp Berlin Spandau, to the pony farm Klandow and spend the whole day with them there- an experience that has taught me a lot.

Very early in the morning we made our way with a bus to the pony farm Klandow, where the kids had the opportunity to see and touch the animals up close. Not only the horses were popular with the kids, but also the dogs, who were accompanying us throughout the day, were loved by many.
As soon as we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by our hosts with cake and cool drinks. Afterwards, we had the chance to comb the horses and braid their manes. Then the kids took turns kiding short distances on the four ponies that were at our disposal. "The pony should also jump", said Melissa, who five minutes before was quite scared of having to sit on one of the horses. To end the day in a nice and relaxed way, all the volunteers and the kids enjoyed a picnic together- of course without pork. After his lovely lunch, we made our way back to the bus and the kid's families back in the refugee camp Berlin Spandau.
To go back to my ealier statement that this day has taught me a lot. First of all, it was so nice to see that small gestures can make someone very happy. For us volunteers, this meant just giving up one day to offer our help, for the kids however, this was a very big day. They had the chance to get out of Berlin Spandau and spend a whole day as normal kids who do not have to worry but can simply enjoy their childhood. One of the older boys was also really taken by the surroundings of the farm: "When I grow up, I want to have a garden like this myself. And plant fruit and trees and have all of this", he answered me when I asked whether he liked it here.
Even our photographer was taken by the joy and enthusiasm of the kids. On the bus the kids were trying out the camera themselves and having a lot of fun posing and taking pictures of each other.
I also want to mention that I would not have been able to participate in this great project, if my current employer would not have given me the whole day off to volunteer. With their support, I was able to make a truly unique experience and I really hope I will be able to further volunteer with visioneers in the future. I also hope that I will continue to meet people who are willing to contribute their time to such great causes.