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CIEE Dinner Event

Recently, VISIONEERS e.V. teamed up with CIEE to host an intercultural exchange dinner.

CIEE, Council on International Educational Exchange, is a non-profit organization promoting international education based in the United States. The students who joined us for dinner came from the east coast of the U.S., because they are currently studying in Berlin for a semester. Everyone was very excited to try these new and mouth-watering dishes!

Zanib, the host and cook of this event, was solely responsible for the delicious and joyful evening. After a fun and quite educational afternoon of following Zanib’s lead in cutting, dicing, cooking and preparing these Moroccan dishes, the VISIONEERS´e.V. volunteers and Zanib presented the dishes to the CIEE students. Here, you can see the colorful and enticing dishes.

This is a Moroccan flower salad, with a tuna-creamy center, decorated with boiled potatoes, carrots, fresh radishes, tomatoes, peppers and fried eggplant.

After learning about these Moroccan dishes, such as Moroccan meatballs cooked in a tomato sauce. It was exciting to see how Zanib artistically decorated the creamy pudding with apricots, sprinkles and chocolate. Preparing the eggplant in hot oil for the Zallouk reminded me of making fried Yucca in Nicaragua. My favorite dish, however, is the flower salad because it is so festive and bright.

Everyone then broke bread together. Here you can see the CIEE students trying out these dishes and the room quickly filled with laughter and appreciation of this meal.

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