All new! -Month 1 of 12 at Visioneers
On August 1st, a whole new chapter started for me: a volunteer service at VISIONEERS in Berlin!

New is not only the environment, the work and the city, but also living and cooking alone, the 40-hour work week and the few Spanish vocabulary words I picked up from my fellow volunteers Andres and Jordy.
I went to Berlin with my family and a full car a week before my first day at VISIONEERS to explore the city at my leisure before my company started the return journey to Cologne and I stayed here alone.
But I was not alone for long, because the very next morning I left from the main station with a group of Costa Ricans and Germans to the "Gästehaus Gussow", where I was allowed to participate in a "Train The Trainer" seminar, while at the same time Weltwärs preparation seminars for volunteer services in Germany and Costa Rica took place. The three days were wonderful and flew by, I was able to get to know my future team in the evening at the campfire together (which made me especially happy as a Girl Scout), look forward to the upcoming year with the Weltwärts volunteers and learn valuable methods in planning and leading a seminar!
And as quickly as the seminar went by, so did the rest of my first week. Of course, the first time was mainly about introducing me to different programs, procedures and the daily work routine (even though it is never the same). It helped me a lot to have Anna by my side, who spent her last month of volunteer service at Visioneers and patiently answered my every question, because she really knows everything!
In the meantime, one month later, I have settled in well, still feel very comfortable in the team and am on the road every afternoon to support children and young people in residential groups with their school work in the project "Mobile Youth Learning Assistance", which I enjoy very much!
I am looking forward to what is still waiting for me in the next few weeks, to the fall vacation school, to the new rooms for youth work and to spending time with all the people I have been able to get to know here so far and will still get to know!