And the construction of the cafeteria goes on!!
For four years already, Visioneers has been supporting the project in Limon 2000. The work of some volunteers started with the...

English Camp 2019
Camp time is always a special time for the VISIONEERS and their friends. Already in March every open spot for the camp was taken. Finally...

A Significant Opportunity to Love
As a Christian, I serve a God who is the very essence of love. It is not just a characteristic of His nature. It is who He is. While...

The Blue Wave
The other night, as I had to take the train home, I had the displeasure to overhear a conversation between three people in their forties....

World of Illusions – first VISIONEERS holiday school
For the first time ever we hosted the VISIONEERS holiday school during the easter break. You might think to yourself. „Holiday school?...

The first word that comes to mind when I think about the past months in Berlin is Gratitude. Gratitude for the people, the new and old...

"I do not envy the joys of Europe, the greatness that is enclosed in it (...)"
The above is an excerpt from the second most important anthem of my beloved Costa Rica, an anthem that’s almost a second national anthem...

Atiycuy Perú
For more than six months now, I've been volunteering with a Peruvian NGO in a small village called Villa Rica in the Peruvian mountain...

Centro Civico por la Paz is a place in Heredia, half an hour away from San José, where free courses on sports, theater and music are...

Just like the women in the project, I'm going through a process of transformation as well. The first months were invested in me. I needed...