Half a year in Senigallia, Italy – an ESK Report
Salve! Already more than half of my volunteer service in Senigallia in Italy is over. Time just goes by too quickly! My life here has...

My ESC Volunteer Service in Greece with "Open Cultural Center"
My decision to live in Greece for two months was made in less than two weeks. But this rather spontaneous and for me adventurous...

Our Project ''Sport in the park''
I met our street worker Giresse, who has been meeting regularly with young people for some time as part of the project "Sport in the...

English Camp 2019
Camp time is always a special time for the VISIONEERS and their friends. Already in March every open spot for the camp was taken. Finally...

World of Illusions – first VISIONEERS holiday school
For the first time ever we hosted the VISIONEERS holiday school during the easter break. You might think to yourself. „Holiday school?...

Teeth-cleaning lesson with dentistry experts
Visioneers aims at encouraging people to leave their comfort zone from time to time and make use of their talents and skills in possibly...