Lerning Spanish with Jordy!
This time I will tell you about my experience in a new small project, which never really crossed my mind to teach my mother tongue in a...

fall school at Carl-Sonnenschein Elementary School
On October 11, the two-week fall school began at Carl Sonnenschein Elementary School. The aim of the autumn school was to make up for the...

Don't move the furniture!
Hey friends, my name is Katherine Morales, I'm from Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica and I'm a volunteer in the South-North program of...

An afternoon in the Luisenstift
The project "Mobile-Jugend-Lernhilfe.Jetzt" takes us to different places in Berlin and I take you to an afternoon in the child and youth...

Arnold in the Castle - First impressions
Hello, my name is Arnold Guzman, I'm from Cartago, Costa Rica, I'm 24 years old and this is my first blog about my life in Germany. I...

My internship at Visioneers e.V.
On May 3rd, the time had finally come - my three-month voluntary internship at Visioneers e.V. in the area of youth work and...

Summer, Sun, Carl-Sonnenschein - Our FSJ in Germany
The Berlin summer is here and we have been back in Germany for about three months. Lately we had various tasks to work around 8 hours a...

weltwärts in Berlin
When I used to hear about the topic "culture shock" I thought, that it doesn't really matter and I thought if I travel abroad for a long...

World of Illusions – first VISIONEERS holiday school
For the first time ever we hosted the VISIONEERS holiday school during the easter break. You might think to yourself. „Holiday school?...

"I do not envy the joys of Europe, the greatness that is enclosed in it (...)"
The above is an excerpt from the second most important anthem of my beloved Costa Rica, an anthem that’s almost a second national anthem...